|| [[JSI| Institute at a glance]] <
>[[V001/JSI|eNewsJSI]] || Alliance with industry<
>[[Contacts|International collaboration, projects, FP7]]<
>[[Young researchers, fellowships|Education, young researchers, fellowships ]]<
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> ''' ''Expert research is the key '' – The Institute is financed by domestic as well as foreign projects from both the public and private sectors. The majority of the projects are financed by the Slovenian Research Agency, with some projects being financed by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology. These are mainly the research programmes, basic and applied projects, postdoctoral projects and projects for early stage researchers. <
>''Cooperation with the enterprise sector '' – Besides research projects, the Institute also performs many development projects for different clients from the enterprise sector and for other domestic and foreign clients. <
> ''Protection of intellectual property '' – Special attention is paid to intellectual property. As elsewhere, the protection of intellectual property with patent is related to the business interests of the participating enterprises. In 2006 the Institute was granted 15 new patents. <
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> || ||~- J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Telephone: +386 1 477 39 00<
> info@ijs.si -~ ||