## page was renamed from Physical and Organic Chemistry K3/K3Right ## page was renamed from Physical and Organic Chemistry/Desno ## ''' PHYSICAL AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY - K3 ''' [[BR]][[BR]] The department is focused on the investigation of physicochemical processes on the surfaces of solids, such as corrosion and heterogeneous catalysis, as well as the synthesis of new compounds. The synergy of these two fields is created in the studies of corrosion protection and functionalization of materials. We exploit an integrative approach where we combine: * organic and inorganic synthesis of new compounds and environmentally friendly coatings, * electrochemical studies of corrosion and electrochemical properties, * materials and molecular modeling based on first principles. The goal is to gain new insights and understanding of mechanisms of protection and degradation of materials in different environments. We direct our knowledge to new research and design of advanced sustainable solutions in the protection of materials and the development of new catalysts. ##|| ''' IMPORTANT: ''' || PhD student position is available, click [[ K3-en/Jobs | here ]] for more information || ---- '''NEWS''' * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.women-in-science-2025| International day of women and girls in science 2025]] * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.akademija-strojnistva-2024| Mechanical Engineering Academy 2024]] * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.marcus-ceratti-2024| Visit of Prof. dr. Philipp Marcus and Dr. Davide Ceratti]] * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.milena-stevanovic-2024| Visit within the framework of a bilateral Slovenian-Serbian project]] * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.helmholtz-kras-2024| Dr. Ana Kraš visited the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon as part of an ERASMUS+ internship]] * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.AMEB2024| Organization of the Symposium on Additive Technologies in Engineering and Biomedicine (AMEB2024)]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.uhlig-award| Prof. Ingrid Milošev received a prestigious international award]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.ESQC-2024| Participation of Young Researchers at the 2024 European Summer School for Quantum Chemistry (ESQC)]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.krkine-nagrade-2024| Symposium and Award Ceremony of the 54th Krka Awards, 27 September 2024]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.tanja-lunic-2024| Visit within the framework of the bilateral Slovenian–Serbian project]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.eurocorr-2024| Participation at the EUROCORR 2024 conference in Paris]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.kras-2024| Ana Kraš successfully defended her doctoral dissertation]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.rse-2024 | Participation at the 9th conference RSE-SEE in Novi Sad, Serbia]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.smrs-2024 | Results of the ZOTKS Young Researchers Competition]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.ipssc-2024 | 16th conference of the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.pwtk-2024 | PWTK-2024: An online tutorial]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.top-2 | Two of our articles are among the top-cited recent articles in Corrosion Science]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.CAD-2024 | On April 24, we mark the Corrosion Awareness Day]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.beograd-2024 | Visit within the Slovenian-Serbian bilateral project with the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Belgrade]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.dnevi-2024 | 32. Jožef Stefan Days]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.obisk-kolektor-2024 | Visit of the company Kolektor Mobility in Idrija]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.obisk-lyons-2023 | Visit of Prof. dr. Daniel M. Lyons from the Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.akademija-2023 | Participation in the conference, Mechanical Engineering Word 2023]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.apccc-china-2023 | Invited lecture by Prof. Milošev in Guangzhou, China]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.bioad-meeting-2023 | The first year of the BIOAD project]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.nr-2023 | Presentation of the Department at the Researchers' Night 2023]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.elme-2023 | Presentation of the Ecological Laboratory with a Mobile Unit (ELME)]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.cutting-edge-2023 | Participation in the International Conference Cutting Edge]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.krkine-2023 | Krka Awards 2023]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.genius-2023 | Genius Olympiad 2023 in the United States]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.vilipo-2023 | International Project Olympiad Vilnius International Project Olympiad]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.peter-clanek| Dr. Peter Rodič contributed an article to Novice IJS in the sectioni "IJS helps"]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.bojan-obisk| A three-month visit by Dr. Bojan Đ. Božić]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.koblar-zagovor| Ana Koblar defended her master thesis]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.SKD2023| Katarina Kokalj received the second prize for her lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Chemical Society]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.corrosion-clanek-2023| Perspective paper on sustainability of metals]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.ana-hereon-2023| A visit to the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon via Erasmus+ traineeship]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.dlouhy-zagovor-2023| Matjaž Dlouhy successfully defended his doctoral dissertation]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.sciencejam-2023| Hihgschool students won 1st place at ScienceJam 2023]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.birbilis-2023| Our two-part paper in CORROSION introduced by Associate Editor Prof. Nick Birbilis]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.obisk-2022| Visit of Prof. Philipp Marcus and Dr. Dominique Costa]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.kick-off-BIOAD-2022| Kick-off meeting of the project BIOAD]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.noc-raziskovalcev-2022 | European Researchers' Night 2022]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.eurocorr-2022-berlin | We have attended the annual EUROCORR international conference in Berlin]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.rse-graz | Participation at the 8th conference RSE-SEE in Graz, Austria]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.Spajic-2022-doktorat | Ivan Spajić successfully defended his PhD theses]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.Kozlica-2022-doktorat | Dževad Kozlica successfully defended his PhD theses]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.corrozoom-2022-milosev | CorroZoom webinar by Prof. Ingrid Milošev]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.cad-eng-2022 | 24. 4. marks the annual Corrosion Awareness Day]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.zenske-v-znanosti-2022 | 11. 2. marks the 7th International Day of Women and Girls in Science]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.NatasaKovecevic-IL2022 | dr. Nataša Kovačević received the title “Engineer of the Year 2021”]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.MAMI-simpozij2021 | Announcement of the symposium as part of the Marie Sklodowska Curie ITN MAMI project ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.JointReplacementTech | Prof. dr. Ingrid Milošev coauthored a chapter in the book entitled Joint Replacement Technology ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.MatjazDlouhy-SKD2021 | Matjaž Dlouhy received the award for the best student lecture at the 27th SCS Annual Meeting ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.JanDlouhy-Krka | A student of the Gimnazija Franca Miklošič Ljutomer, in cooperation with our department, received awards for a research project ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.CorrosionEditorMilosev | Dr Ingrid Milošev has been named to the CORROSION journal Editorial Board as an Associate Editor ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.CorrozoomKokalj | CorroZoom webinar by Prof. Anton Kokalj]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.qe2021 | MaX e-School on Advanced Materials and Molecular Modeling with Quantum ESPRESSO ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.photo-of-the-month | We are launching new photo series with the title "Photo of the Month"]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.Corrosion-Awareness-Day-2021 | 24th of April marks the annual Corrosion Awareness Day]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.Tone-Ohio-2021 | Prof. Kokalj gave a seminar talk at the Ohio University]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.corrozoom-2021 | CorroZoom webinar]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.KCebular_KrkinaNagrada2020 | Our former young researcher fellow, Dr. Klara Čebular was awarded by the 50th Krka Award]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.MatjazPoster-SKD2020 | Matjaž Dlouhy received the best poster prize award at the 26th annual meeting of the Slovenia Chemical Society]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.GavriloPhD | Gavrilo Šekularac successfully defended his PhD thesis]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.CorrAwareness | Corrosion Awareness Day ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.PeterJub | The K3 Department received the reward for the best idea in the developmental challenge of JUBs Innovation Day. ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.KlaraPhD | Klara Čebular successfully defended her PhD thesis ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.LeaPoster | Lea Gašparič received the 3rd best poster prize at the 25. annual meeting of the Slovenia Chemical Society ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.MaticPoster | Matic Poberžnik received the best poster prize at the QE2019 summer school ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.QE2019end | Quantum ESPRESSO Summer School on Advanced Materials and Molecular Modelling ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.EUROCORR2019 | Participation at EUROCORR 2019 ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.mCBEEsSchoolFinal | Training school of the mCBEEs project within Marie Skłodowska Curie Action ITN ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.DunjaPhD | Dunja Gustinčič successfully defended her PhD thesis ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.DoloresPoster | Dolores Zimerl awarded the Best Poster Award at the 7th conference RSE-SEE ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.RSESEE2019 | Participation at the 7th conference RSE-SEE in Split, Croatia ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.MAMIWorkshop2 | Workshop of the MAMI project within Marie Skłodowska Curie Action ITN ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.QESchool | Quantum ESPRESSO summer school from 16 to 20 September at JSI]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.mCBEEsSchool | Third mCBEEs training school from 24 to 29 June at JSI]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.MaticPhD | Matic Poberžnik successfully defended his PhD thesis]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.MAMIWorkshop | Workshop of the MAMI project within Marie Skłodowska Curie Action ITN ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.KATRItopcoat | KATRI topcoat shared the award for best invention/inovation with commercial potential at 11. ITTC ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.UrsaGavriloPoster | Urša Tiringer and Gavrilo Šekularac recevied the EFC Poster Prize at EUROCORR 2018 ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.Eurocorr2018 | Participation at EUROCORR 2018 in Krakow, Poland ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.ReviewJESQ2 | Review on conversion coatings in JES the most-downloaded in its topical area ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.CorrTalk | CorrTalk workshop in Ljubljana: 11 – 13 June 2018]] ##* [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.UrsaPhD | Urša Tiringer successfully defended her PhD thesis]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.MAMIkickoff | Kick-off meeting of the MAMI project]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.MERASuccess | Project COR_ID as a »Success story« at M-ERA.NET ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.ReviewJES | Review on conversion coatings published in JES* ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.COINDESCmeeting | Annual meeting of the COIN DESC project in Barcelona ]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.ZoisTone | Doc. dr. Anton Kokalj received the 2017 Zois recognition]] ## * [[K3-en/News#K3-en.2FNewsRight.KlaraAward|Klara Čebular received the best poster award at the ICGC-6 conference]] ## * [[K3-en/News|Prof. dr. Ingrid Milošev received Pregl Award for outstanding achievements]] ## * [[K3-en/News|Prof. Lorenzo Fedrizzi visited Department of Phyisical and Organic Chemistry]] ## * [[K3-en/News|Kick-off meeting of the project COR_ID within the M-ERA.NET]] ## * [[K3-en/News|Jerca Pahor received the best poster award at the CCDDR 2015 in Jaipur, India ]] ## * [[K3-en/News|On 20. 11. 2015 Gregor Žerjav successfully defended his PhD thesis]] ## * [[K3-en/News|Barbara Volarič awarded the Best Student Presentation at the 5th conference RSE-SEE]] ## * [[K3-en/News|Thematic issue of the journal Acta Chimica SLOVENICA dedicated to the Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry - South East Europe (RSE-SEE)]] ##* [[K3-en/News|Jernej Iskra and Krka, d.d. received Silver award for innovation of Chamber of Commerce of Dolenjska and Bela Krajina]] ##* [[K3-en/News|Rok Prebil and Stojan Stavber published a paper in prestigious journal Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis]] ##* [[K3-en/News|Springer has published the 55th volume of the series Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry. Ingrid Milošev authored the chapter CoCrMo Alloy for Biomedical Applications.]] ##* [[K3-en/News|Ingrid Milošev coauthored a chapter in a book "Hip Replacement: Approaches, Complications and Effectiveness"]] ##* [[K3-en/News|Our co-worker dr. A. Kokalj is ranked as the most cited Slovenian scientist in the field of Chemistry (source: SICRIS)]] ##---- ##||[[ https://www.facebook.com/OdsekZaFizikalnoInOrganskoKemijoK3/ | {{attachment:K3-en/facebook.jpg}} ]] || ||{{attachment:K3-en/K3-2024-730.jpg|K3-2024|width=730}}|| ---- <
> '''Head of Department''' <
> [[K3-en/Milosev|Ingrid Milošev]], Ph. D. <
> ingrid.milosev@ijs.si <
> Phone: +386 1 477 34 52 <
> ----