International Research Projects
1. Empowering female research talent through a gender equality infrastructure, acronim ATHENA
Duration: 1. 2. 2021–31. 1. 2025
Project code: PR-10297-4, a cooperating partner from the department: prof. dr. Ingrid Milošev, coordinator dr. Michelle Perello, Consulta Europa Porojects and Innovation (CE), Gran Canaria
Additional description: proposal No. 101006416, project leader at IJS dr. Romana Jordan
1. Design of corrosion resistant coatings targeted for versatile applications, acronim COR_ID
2. Corrosion inhibition and dealloying descriptors, acronim COIN DESC
3. ''Advanced integrative solutions to corrosion problems beyond micro–scale: towards long-term durability of miniaturized biomedical, electronic and energy systems'', acronim mCBEEs
Duration: 2017–2021
Project code: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017, prof. dr. Ingrid Milošev, coordinator dr. Maria Lekka (University Udine, Italy)
4. Magnetics and Microhydrodynamics - from guided transport to delivery, acronim MAMi
Duration: 2018–2022
Project code: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017-766007, prof. dr. Ingrid Milošev, coordinator prof. dr. Bernard Doudin (Strasbourgu University, France)
5. Hibridne sol-gel prevleke kot nadomestilo za kromatne konverzijske prevleke za korozijsko zaščito aluminijevih zlitin
Duration: 2018–2020
Additional description: LEaDing dr. Urša Tiringer, postdoctoral project: Fellows Programme, Marie Curie Cofund Programme, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
6. Hooking together European research in atomic layer deposition
7. Towards understanding and modelling intense electronic excitation
Duration: 2018–2022
Project code: COST: CA17126, a cooperating partner from the department: prof. dr. Anton Kokalj, coordinator prof. Antonio Rivera (Politecnica University, Madrid, Spain)
8. Complex intermetallic surfaces under operating conditions: theoretical investigations at the atomic scale
Bilateral Projects
1. Anti-corrosion protection of alloys made from primary and secondary raw materials
- Duration: 2022–2024
Additional description: Bilateral project SLO-USA, leaders prof. dr. Ingrid Milošev and dr. John R. Scully (University of Virginia, Charlottesville, ZDA)
2. Atmospheric pressure plasma deposition of coatings: synthesis and characterization
1. DCOIN: Breakdown of corrosion and its inhibition
2. INCOR: Study of phase boundaries relevant to corrosion inhibition
3. Fundamental insights into electrocatalysis - a combination of modeling and experiment