#format wiki #acl Default #language en {sl} [[Center za mrežno infrastrukturo]] = CMI - Networking Infrastructure Centre = NIC (Network Infrastructure Centre, also CMI) manages the networking infrastructure, dial-up and wireless access, and common computing services (DNS, e-mail and mailing lists, institute web server, web hosting, web proxy, stratum-1 and stratum-2 NTP servers, firewall, IPv4 and IPv6, network security, supercomputing network infrastructure, source repositories, identity providers etc.) at the Jožef Stefan Institute at Jamova street. See: [[Računalniško omrežje]] == Staff: == * dr. Jan Jona Javoršek, head of NIC <
>Jan.Jona.Javorsek@ijs.si * Andraž Filipčič <
>Andraz.Filipcic@ijs.si * Ivan Ivanjko, operator <
>Ivan.Ivanjko@ijs.si * Jan Ivanjko <
>Jan.Ivanjko@ijs.si * Barbara Krašovec, M. Sc, system manager<
>Barbara.Krasovec@ijs.si * dr. Alja Prah <
>Alja.Prah@ijs.si * Janez Srakar, herder of unices, system manager <
>Janez.Srakar@ijs.si * Sebastien Strban <