V001 / JSI / T945

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Dr. Anna Razumnaya from the Jožef Stefan Institute, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Picardie, IFW Dresden, the University of Toronto, and Terra Quantum AG, published a review article Topological Foundations of Ferroelectricity in the prestigious journal Physics Reports. The study presents the fundamental role of topology in ferroelectric materials and provides a groundbreaking framework for understanding and classifying complex polarization structures in nanostructured ferroelectric, paving the way for technological applications. By drawing parallels between hydrodynamics and electrostatics, this research demonstrates how fundamental topological concepts can be applied to ferroelectric materials to better understand and manipulate their polarization structures. This study opens new prospects for the development of polar materials, including traditional ferroelectrics and newly discovered soft ferroelectric materials, while also advancing the frontiers of their potential applications in cutting-edge electronic devices.